Monday, December 27, 2010
23 Stones: Murphy's Rain

Merry Christmas From the Family
- Hudson, Murphy, Luke, Toomey, & the Pony
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Murphy's X-Mas Sammich
We look to our faith, family, and friends and even food for comfort when we're lost. Shelter dogs are in need of all of those especially this time of year.
A bit of history - Murphy celebrated his 8th birthday in Memphis where Mommy G threw him a party. Murphy's a passionate eater to say the least; if Maslow triangulated his heirarchy of needs it'd be food, poop, and snuggles. Food, of course, being at the top. We'd been on the road for over a year and I really wanted to do something special for him.
The biggest commercially available bread for such a sammich (I'm no baker) is Boboli. Murphy's absolute favorite food in the universe is the Honest Kitchen and Lucy, the founder, has been feeding him since before we left Austin in March 2008.
I love the pic on the left - Murphy knows I'm making a sammich and he's gonna be damn certain it's all his. Uh, hello, what part of Murphy Sammich don't you understand? Trying to teach kids today the spirit of Christmas is never an easy thing.
Once the massively awesome meaty goodness layer goes down, it's time for cheese. Although the processed American cheese slices I used was an economic decision, I don't recommend you do the same. More and more I'm convinced processing food is fundamentally harmful but that's a thread for another time.
Boboli crust #2 on top, bake it at 350 for 15 minutes then decorate. Since this is the very first X-Mas Sammich I sprinkled the Cheez Whiz with red and green sugar granules and there you have it. We delivered it to the Larimer Humane Society yesterday and oh, boy were they excited. Coincidentally, Molly, their communications director lost a dog to cancer and her loss set her on a new path. I know all about that...
None of us thought we'd be here this Christmas. I was already planning our next great adventure when we walked the final mile into Boston. But you make the best of it and share the blessings you've been given.
Please, make a Murphy Sammich for your local shelter this holiday...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Two Weeks
The team at Colorado State University is confident that Murphy will show signs of tumor regression by the two week mark before they consider pursuing some of my whacky ideas like implanting a stent or shunt to alleviate his breathing difficulties.
I said something like, "Okay, but he sleeps for 30 seconds then awakens with an unforgiving version of apnea. It's even effecting his eating."
I agreed to wait to implant a device contingent upon Murphy's comfortability and that his clinical symptoms don't worsen. But honestly it feels like a crapshot like those commercials you see, 'Give me a week and we'll take off the weight.' Bet it didn't work for those guys.
Don't get me wrong I have complete respect for and trust in our oncology team but I'm a contrarian and questioning everything is the responsibility you have when making decisions on behalf of a loved one who can't speak for themselves.
So once again, we wait but we do so with benchmarks. I'll meet with the radiologist Dr. Custis again next week for a clinical evaluation and then the following week to discuss chemotherapy.
There has been a plot twist though - we got back the results from the biopsy for the two new tumors and from way outta left field, they're sarcomas not adenocarcinoma. Why? No one seems to know but they're malignant cells and anything beyond that seems to have no therapeutic value. Rougly translated, it doesn't matter what color they are - red, green, or purple they must die.
"You got two weeks"
Far Away From Here
I wish I knew what he was talking about. Five years ago almost to the week Malcolm was stuggling with his last breaths and I find myself back to this same place with Murphy. And I don't know a goddamn thing.
Where ever I thought we'd end up after the walk it wasn't supposed to be here.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Notes on Murphy
Over the weekend Murphy's ability to breath through his snout has diminished significantly. It seems this new tumor is spreading quickly. We hope the radiation will stop this growth almost immediately. In laymans terms here's how it works:
Cancer cells are referred to as 'immortal' because they divide unabatedly. The first one, not sure what scientists call it; perhaps the parental or originator, has a gene that for some reason is turned on telling it to start dividing. That one cell becomes two which becomes four, etc. into you have a tumor mass consisting of millions of cells. Radiation therapy attempts to interfere with the tumor cells' ability to continue mitotic division thereby stopping growth. The cells that can't divide eventually die off.
Back to Murphy. Even if this massive three day dose of radiation halts tumor growth, it'll still be restricting airflow in the interim. We've already discussed a surgical option in Dr. Withrow's words taking a roto-router and cleaning the tumor out but that presents some serious problems.
That got me thinking this morning. How can we improve breathing through his snout without surgery and how do we do something like this in humans? Well we know that when people have clogged arteries we place a stent in them permitting improved blood flow. Plus, stents are now drug delivery systems so this might be a way to administer chemo directly into the tumor site.
Must discuss this with Dr. Withrow...
Monday, December 20, 2010
Become a Sugar Mommy or Daddy to Murphy

I'm a firm believer in trading value for value so this time I'm doing limited edition canvases each autographed by me and bearing Hudson & Murphy's actual pawprint. We have three photos to choose from all depicted nearby.
The photos will be transferred to canvas then stretched over a wooden frame. Two sizes are available 8x10 and 11x14. We're asking$75 for the former; $100 for the later.

Sunday, December 19, 2010
24 Stones
Here's what's in store for us this week:
Monday December 20th
- Drop Murphy off at CSU for first radiation treatment
- Afterwards pick up our good friend John Stalls (http://kivawalk.com ) and his dog Kanoa and head to Eldorado Springs State Park for a nite of camping and knuckleheadedness
Tuesday December 21st
- Sober up by 6am - say see ya to John. He's a good kid...
- Murphy's second treatment
- Gotta grab some gifts for my nieces b/f I go back to TX. Didn't make it to Archie McPhee's when we were in Seattle so I'm sort of at a loss. Educational or irreverance are the only gifts I buy people. There's a family pack of wrestling masks at McPhee's that's out of stock I wish I could get my hands on for me & the boys - Los Perros Loco Lucha Libre...
Wednesday December 22nd
- Third and final dose of radiation
- Denver. My friends here in Fort Collins got tickets to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Don't know if it's YMCA meets Slovenia yet but Murphy's coming with us and we all know how good he looks in a tool belt.
- Afterwards we'll take him to the Buckhorn Exhchange for a beefy treat he's never had before
Thursday December 23rd
- Make Murphy Xmas Sammiches for CSU patients. While Murphy's the greatest lover of (http://thehonestkitchen.com ) even he likes to share during the holiday season. We'll be making a coupla pies for cancer patients today.
Friday December 24th
- Take Murphy on a tour of Xmas lights.
- Leave cookies, coke & cigarettes out hoping Tony Bourdain (http://anthonybourdain.net), my new hero, shows up and doesn't confuse Hudson & Murphy for albino possums and tries to make them into a stew.
Saturday December 25th
- Open House at Claire's. It's a sushi Christmas and our last real day in Colorado. Grab a pair of chopsticks, stop by for the Ginger Grinch, the Murphy Maki, & whatever the hell else I come up with
Sunda... never mind not going to happen. Snuggle Snuggle with Murphy...
Monday December 27th
- Leave 3am for TX. God I need my family now...
Friday, December 17, 2010
Murphy's Treatment Plan
A lot of you know me from our walk from Austin to Boston ( http://2dogs2000miles.org/ ) some of our new friends don't. Then I was walking in memory of Malcolm whom I lost to cancer. Now I'm just a father who's desperately trying to save his other boy's life from this dreadful disease. I've made the decision to make a documentary of this latest chapter of our lives and I'll post more about this as it develops.
It's already a hard time of year from me since it was this time in 2005 when Malcolm was struggling and the metastatic tumor in his lungs was overtaking him. But this isn't about me so let me bring you up to speed about Murphy.
I posted about his prognosis. We don't understand why the first round of radiation failed... I have a theory but for now it's academic and we can't afford time for talk. The tumor has reached critical mass and if allowed to grow any further, it'll shut off his ability to breath through his snout. If that happens he'll have no quality of life.
The recommendation of the oncology team at CSU is that we have to act immediately and hit it hard with everything they've got. Their radiation plan is 30 grays administered over three days, the maximum tolerable dose.
After that we'll look into chemo as an adjunct therapy. Thanks to everyone who posted to our wall about human cancer drug trials - Erich is compiling a list from your links so I can send emails out to the principal investigators.
The potentially catastrophic downside to this plan is there's a 5% chance Murphy will succumb to massive radiation alone in a few weeks or months.
"What's your decision?" Dr. Withrow asked me Friday.
Having sat through 30 minutes of if, ands, & buts - all I could think about was Star Trek. Strange since I'm not a Trekkie but when he said the first round of radiation merely stunned the tumor, I thought of the phaser and it's two settings: Stun and Vaporize. At least that's how I remembered it since the last time I saw an episode was probably in the 80s. Perhaps we didn't hit it hard enough the first time and the Variant Trilogy machine was on the wrong setting.
I don't know how much time passed after he asked the question - all the options and the probabilities of their outcomes cycled through my head like a centrifuge.
"What are we going to do?" he asked again.
"Let's kill this mother f***er"

But that's not the bad news. There are two new growths and while we're having them biopsied today there's really no doubt they're malignant. The one that's causing grave concern is growing in his pharynx the slender space that takes oxygen from the snout to the lungs. If you look at the picture nearby the pharynx is the narrow corridor cut between the eyes. That's problematic. Like bottlenecked traffic at some point it'll stop the flow of air through his nasal passages entirely.
We're not at the point yet of discussing euthanasia so don't go there. Dogs don't have quit in them and I'm not about to quit on Murphy. People are the only species on this planet who give up on life.
Aside from bloody discharges and 'pharyngeal gagging' which is like a reverse sneeze, Murphy's doing quite well. It's his strength I'm convinced that'll be our greatest asset in this fight. However, hard decisions are on the horizon.
There's no good model I can look at this in humans as nasal cancer is surprisingly rare. They say re-radiating is the only alternative left but I'll spend the weekend researching every options. I'll exhaust all possibilities and mortgage my soul if I have to.
For those of you who want to help, here's what we need: a comprehensive list of human adenocarcinoma drug trials. They'll probably be gastric or colorectal studies but if there's any therapy that this cancer is responding to in people, we need to know. Rather than email me the results please post everything to my wall on facebook. I want everyone to have access to this research.
Next, I need a near film quality camera. I don't know how much time Murphy has left but I want to document every minute of it. My camera doesn't have the quality so we need a loaner.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
PET Scan
Preliminary Analysis of PET scan
If there is new growth this is where it becomes problematic. From my understanding when we finished up the first round of radiation in September the game plan was let's take a look at it in four months and if the tumor's still there let's hit it again until we shrink it completely or it can be removed surgically.
But re-radiating the tumor can have some potentialy deleterious side effects. Hopefully we'll know more in a few hours...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Murphy Update

He also wanted to biopsy the tissue that Murphy sneezed up Sunday morning which can only be described as fleshy gray matter, pictured nearby (vy sorry for the graphic nature of the photo but welcome to my world). Is this the byproduct from radiation, debris from the destruction the cancer has caused in his nasal passage, or evidence of new tumor growth? We don't know yet.
On the upside, Murphy's blood work came back normal although he's slightly anemic, probably due to his nose bleeds, and his chest films were clear.
A CT scan is scheduled for Wednesday morning while we're awaiting the results of the lymph aspirate and the biopsy.
That's all I got right now...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Homeless Chef
I'm undecided if I'll continue with my 61 Stones blog since I want everyone here updated about Murphy's condition, too, and I'd just copy my posts over anyway. Besides I don't want to end up too subdivided since the sum of me is better than the parts or the parts add up to more than the whole. Err... moving on...
One of my favorite quotes is from Dylan Thomas taken from a forward to a book of his poems, "These (blogs), with all their crudities, doubts, and confusions, are written for the love of man and in praise of (dog). And I'd be a damn fool if they weren't."
Okay, I changed it up a bit but you get the point.
Maybe I should just start a new blog and call it: Eat, Pray, Play, Pet Doggie, and Kick the Crap Outta Cancer. I think that just about covers it...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
One Time

Meet Buddy and while his aliases read like a veritable list of Vegas wise guys - The Bud Man; Biscuit Head; Frankenbuddy; Buddy Fifteen Toes (Nah, I just made that one up), he's no poker player at all. He's a dog and perhaps the unluckiest dog of all.
There's not a lot known about Buddy before he arrived at the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County other than he was a Katrina rescue from New Orleans with buckshot in his butt and a gnarled and withered hind leg. Speculation was it must've gotten caught in barbed wire and he chewed his paw off.
So here's for one more time... God, one more time
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
43 Stones
While fish oil is an anticoagulant I began administering 2 grams daily in Louisville back in September but it wasn't until San Francisco two months later that his nosebleeds began. It may be a contributing factor but it isn't the cause.
So what does the nosebleed mean? It could be a positive indication that the tumor cells are lysing or a symptom of tumor growth or even the side effects of radiation.
I talked at length with an ICU doc last night and after running through a scenario analysis, we agreed that it was, in her words, structural. She also pointed out that my insticts have always been spot on with Murphy. True enough as it was nineteen stones ago I awoke Saturday morning and knew something was wrong with Murphy. The following Monday my fears were confirmed that he had nasal cancer.
According to Dr. LaRue his radiation oncolgist that after four months it's more likely than not that some tumor tissue will remain so we're already anticipating surgery or hopefully not more radiation.
We're a week and a half away from his CT scan and while I have many meetings and appearances between now and then I can cancel those and move up our appointment at CSU. The question is, if the tumor is growing again, does a week and a half make a difference?
Back before Malcolm was diagnosed with bone cancer I swore I detected a slight limp and I observed him every day on our walks on the Charles River. But I let his vet convince me I was seeing things. A few weeks later after I finally took him in for an X-ray and got the diagnosis I was racked with guilt for not going with my gut but his oncologist assured me it wouldn't have mattered.
I feel like I have six-shooter pointed at my head with three bullets in it. I'm just so busted up inside.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
44 Stones
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
As Hudson, Murphy & I walked up to the pavillion I had already decided to scrap the speech I had prepared opting instead to literally go where the winds took us. The violent gusts drowned out the amplifiers making it hard to even hear myself speak but I'll try as best I can to sum up its essence.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Birthday Malcolm

A year or two ago I might have said that was curiously coincidental but I've witnessed way too much in my travels and I know otherwise now.
Last night I was fortunate enough to listen to Dr. Steve Withrow's talk about his lifelong work in comparative oncology. The title of his presentation tells all, "Some Science. Some Stories. Some True." It was both enlightening and invigorating, and I hope everyone of you has the opportunity to hear him speak some day.
One of the most interesting points he made was that despite breakthroughs in understanding and technological developments, "The dumbest cancer cell is smarter than all of us." My father, a nephrologist, used to talk to me at length when I was young about the amazing complexity of the human body and the intricacies of its individual yet interconnected systems. A few months back in a blog about Murphy I described cancer as nature's perfect enemy. It uses that complexity against its victims.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
No Pants
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Dog Chapel

Turned out it's not a chain at all... just people in different places and of differing denominations who live the cowboy lifestyle and worship together. Seemed like a cool concept to me and over many subsequent miles on the road I wondered about building a Dog Church myself.
I don't remember how or when but I later found out about an artist named Stephen Huneck in Vermont who built such a sanctuary. My gut said, 'Gotta go there' so I called Ginger to make it happen. Wasn't on my walking plan she said and went on to spell out a whole host of reasons why it was impossible which I do not recall. I tend to drown out disagreement. Dreamers do that.

While on the Rails-to-Trails to DC I met a Marine who said, "'Impossible' only describes a degree of difficulty". That's true, but it also necessitates the element of time.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Recipe: Brussel Sprouts with With Apples and Toasted Pecans
The other night while at Mommy H's house (Murphy's first mommy), all she had in the fridge was rabbit food - some brussel sprouts and such. It's apple harvest time in the North & she'd just bought a busshel of Ginger Golden (oh, the irony). Rarely do I mix sweet and savory but I didn't have much to work with. Here's what I came up with and surprisingly it's one of the tastiest dishes I've ever made and perfectly fitting for fall season.
Saute some brushel sprouts in butter and salt & pepper until al dente, probably 15-20 minutes. Add chopped white or yellow onions and some minced garlic and continue to pan fry until the onions are translucent. Add a 1/4 - 1/2 cup of white whine, turn up the heat, and add apple slices. I used Pinot Grigio as these wines are typically fruitier than Chards.
This is the tricky part or at least it was for me. How long do you cook the apples? You want them soft enough to sop up the butter and wine but not too mushy. One maybe two minutes may be all you need to reduce it down without turning it into apple sauce.
Add some toasted pecans or whatever nut you prefer though I'd stay away from almonds because of their bitterness. The piece de resistance is a dash of nutmeg to tie all the flavors together.
To be honest, I lacked confidence in it from the get go so after sauteing the brussel sprouts, onions & garlic I set aside one-half before adding the wine and apples. I love the simplicity of brussel sprouts bathed in butter but after sampling the finished product, the other half went right back in the pan.
As someone once said about me, "For a homeless guy, this guy can cook!"
Friday, October 1, 2010
Turning 2 Dogs Into 2 Million!
November 7th 2010 in 12 cities across the nation.... Find out more about the 2 Million Dog March at http://2milliondogs.org/walks
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Murphy update
Monday, September 13, 2010
2011 Calendar Contest Winners!!

Congratulations! The following dogs have made it into the 2011 “Cancer Can’t Keep a Good Dog Down” calendar!
Pete Morgan (Ginger Morgan) $2,240.00
Ruger Sowers (Cindy Sowers) $1,500.00
Bill Mann (Janice Mann) $1,460.00
North (Robert Cain) $1,380.00
Roxy (Heather Loflin-Miller) $1,300.00
Cassie Rose (Linda Rose) $1,270.00
Mr. Maxx (Marcia Siemsen) $1,207.00
Meatball and Shilo (Shari Lewis) $1,202.00
Salty (Lonna Coleman) $1,200.00
Maggie Riley (Karen Riley) $1,170.00
Sully Vachon-Lyda (Jennifer Vachon-Lyda) $1,130.00
Pepper Payne (Jonathan Payne) $1,125.00
Boudreaux (Jolie Banks) $1,115.00
We will begin taking pre-orders for the calendar in October and are hoping the calendars will be printed by mid-November. We need to verify pricing with the printer and will let everyone know what pricing will be this year. As in the past, we will be offering a discount on bulk orders.
Pete Morgan (Ginger Morgan) $2,240.00
Ruger Sowers (Cindy Sowers) $1,500.00
Bill Mann (Janice Mann) $1,460.00
North (Robert Cain) $1,380.00
Roxy (Heather Loflin-Miller) $1,300.00
Cassie Rose (Linda Rose) $1,270.00
Mr. Maxx (Marcia Siemsen) $1,207.00
Meatball and Shilo (Shari Lewis) $1,202.00
Salty (Lonna Coleman) $1,200.00
Maggie Riley (Karen Riley) $1,170.00
Sully Vachon-Lyda (Jennifer Vachon-Lyda) $1,130.00
Pepper Payne (Jonathan Payne) $1,125.00
Boudreaux (Jolie Banks) $1,115.00
Rudy Scott (Joanne Scott) $1,105.00
Ben Jamin Blues (Oscar Janssen) $1,025.00
Phoenix (Elissa O'Sullivan) $950.00
Max Large (Jodi Large) $860.00
Abigail (Judy Abare) $780.00
Wesley (Roseann Burrets-Baars) $678.00
Karly & Brandy (Deidre Tomkins) $635.00
Sergei (Deb Dolak) $615.00
Mac Duff (Chuck Christy) $610.00
Jagr (Michele Handte) $520.00
Gunner Nelson (Lesa & Dan Nelson) $510.00
Milo (Patty Hartman) $465.00
Murphy (Luke Robinson) $385.00
Luc Narro (Adrianna Narro) $375.00
Daisy & Lily (Hope Lisle) $340.00
Po (Lorraine Garaguso) $335.00
Gradie Mercer (Julie Mercer) $305.00
Sebastian (Angie & Josh Morris) $305.00
Ofi Guttenberg (Marilyn Guttenberg) $295.00
Tara Ling Tzu (Terri Greer) $290.00
Taz (Robin Brinkley) $280.00
Cemil James (Mary James) $275.00
Sunny Osborne (Dawn Osborne) $275.00
Tucker (Dan Bozik) $255.00
Bear McGarvey (Darlene McGarvey) $195.00
Bonham Scarborough (Linda Scarborough) $195.00
Kobe Arthur (Tom Arthur) $190.00
Fortis (Brett Hessenius) $185.00
Shelby Torrente (Melissa Torrente) $185.00
Rudy Birhanzl (Christine Birhanzl) $180.00
Thunder Bucklad (Mark Bucklad) $150.00
Riley (Doreen Buchler) $135.00
Gita (Heidi Oliveri) $130.00
Tyler Blue (Michelle Plourde) $130.00
Windsor Mitchell (Trish Mitchell) $125.00
Storm (Sylvia Griggs) $120.00
Tyson Conner (Megan Conner) $120.00
Buddy Ormsby (Michelle Ormsby) $110.00
Buddy Kelmelis (Shannon Kelmelis) $105.00
Brave (Sheila Rinks) $100.00
Cody Worthy (Tammy Worthy) $100.00
Hudson P. Wupperstein (Amanda Guth) $100.00
Maliboo (Issy Souto) $100.00
Smokey Wood (Bruce Wood) $100.00
Joy (Karen Robison) $90.00
Chance Reeder (Donna Reeder) $75.00
Sassy (Bekye Eckert) $75.00
Tigger (Kathy DeRay) $75.00
Cody Winebrenner (Jane Winebrenner) $70.00
Genie Derf (Neena Derf) $60.00
Grady Bowman (Aviva Bowman) $60.00
Womble Reynolds (Helen Reynolds) $60.00
Kirby (Bobbie Klimkowski Klimkowski) $50.00
Maggie Liles (Beth Liles) $50.00
Mason Eggleston (Kathy Eggleston) $50.00
Solar (Michele Handte) $50.00
Amber Gedek (Terry Gedek) $40.00
Shelby Ryan (Robert Ryan) $35.00
Colby McGinley (Keri McGinley) $30.00
Spanky (Lea Ann Goettsch) $30.00
Rigby (Elizabeth Marino) $25.00
Speedy & Scooter Lynett (Ramzey Rambles) $25.00
Trouper Menard (Gretchen Menard) $25.00
Zoe (Laura Williams) $25.00
Alex (San Mehta) $20.00
Brownie Schmidt (Donna Schmidt) $20.00
Callisto (Catherine Pfent Marrical) $20.00
Rori O'Connell (Jennifer O'Connell) $20.00
Sam Eilenberger (Cindy Eilenberger) $20.00
Skyler Blue & Kiara Jordan Pike (Eileen Pike) $20.00
Stella Feingold (Fonda Feingold) $20.00
Sandy Smith (kevin Smith) $15.00
Camden Rose (Cindy Corell) $10.00
DeePak (Terry Gedek) $10.00
Engorgs Aznar (Maria Aznar) $10.00
Luke Marino (Molly Marino) $10.00
Maggie Hobson (Deann Hobson) $10.00
Maxine Stout (Maureen Stout) $10.00
Missy Lynett (Ramz Rambles) $10.00
Monty Raab (Barbara Raab) $10.00
Riley Forristal (Keli Forristal) $10.00
Yoshi (Connie McCabe) $10.00
Angel Madeja (Lori Madeja) $0.00
Beauty (Nancy Crovetti) $0.00
Bo Fisher (Elaine Fisher) $0.00
Bridgit D'Angelo (Aileen D' Angelo) $0.00
Bucc (Nancy Crovetti) $0.00
Buttons Ottilo (Angela Ottilo) $0.00
Coltrane Cartier (C. C. Cartier) $0.00
Dena Oliver (Debbie Oliver) $0.00
Fabrizio (Rozan Ambrosino) $0.00
Heidi (Heidi Christensen) $0.00
Hendrix Doyi (Sarah Doyi) $0.00
Jada Van Dommelan (Amy Van Dommelan) $0.00
Jake Rae (Rachel Rae) $0.00
Kahlua Crovetti (Nancy Crovetti) $0.00
Kringle (Michael Reed) $0.00
Lady (Nancy Crovetti) $0.00
Loki Ruesch (Emily Ruesch) $0.00
Maggie Jones (Tracy Jones) $0.00
Misty Alba (Beverly Alba) $0.00
Mona Brand (Holly Brand) $0.00
Popeye (K. Tate) $0.00
Raven Rosenberg (Barry Rosenberg) $0.00
Sasha Laing (Sheila Laing) $0.00
Sparky O'Neill (Courtney O'Neill) $0.00
Stella Alba (Beverly Alba) $0.00
Stella Culp (DR Culp) $0.00
Tonka Drawdy (Shandra Drawdy) $0.00
Zachary (Sheila Laing) $0.00
Thank you for helping 2 Million Dogs in our fight against cancer.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Voting Ends SOON!
voting ends in the Eastern time zone (e.g.: New York) at 1:00 AM Monday September 13
voting ends in the Mountain time zone (e.g.: Denver) at 11:00 PM Sunday September 12
voting ends in the Pacific time zone (e.g.: Seattle) at 10:00 PM Sunday September 12
We had over 120 photos submitted this year for the calendar. In the past, we've devoted 2 pages in the calendar to showcase all the entries. This year we will try our best to do the same. However, we were pretty much at our limit last year with 100 entries. We may have to leave some of the photos out of the gallery if they will not all fit. If it comes down to that, we will base our decision on which photos to leave out based on how many votes the photos have at the end of the contest. The last time I checked there were over 34 photos without votes.
Voting is in real time, so when the voting ends at midnight (Central Time) you will be able to see the top 13 winners by following this link https://2md2m.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/2011Calendar/FundraiserDirectory/tabid/229975/Default.aspx.
All donations are date and time stamped by Greater Giving (the company processing the payments). Greater Giving is on Pacific Time.
Good Luck to everyone! Thank you for your enthusiastic participation!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I hugged my mom and the first thing I said to her was, "I told you I'd be here in a couple of days". It was the fulfillment of a promise I'd been making to her practically every week since we began our walk.
As most of you know mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's before we launched from Austin in 2008 making the decision to leave one of the most difficult I've ever made. Every week I phoned mom and every week she always asked, "When are you coming home?"
"I'll be home in a couple of days", was always my answer which seemed to settle her anxieties and sadness. That same exchange continued for 118 weeks.
More than walking into Boston Common with blocks and blocks of people behind me that final mile to Boston, seeing my mom Friday marked the end of my journey.
"I told you I'd be here in a couple of days."
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Voting Has Begun!

Voting for the Calendar Dogs (and Cat!) works as follows: each U.S. dollar donated equals one vote — if you donate $20.00 for Fluffy then twenty votes will go towards Fluffy. You can vote as often as you like, for as many dogs as you like, in whole dollars please. (For example, if you donate $21.74 only 21 votes will be applied.) Voting starts with a minimum of $5.00.
Voting continues until the deadline, Sunday, Sept. 12, 2010 at midnight EDT.
To keep track of voting check out the Directory Page
About the Cancer Can’t Keep a Good Dog Down Calendar:
2 Million Dogs was formed with the singular aim of eradicating cancer in pets and people and it will work towards that end by educating people about and investing in comparative oncology studies. To learn more about us, please visit www.2milliondogs.org.
2 Million Dogs is a 501 C (3) organization that relies on the generosity of individuals and corporations to help us in our mission to eradicate cancer through education and investing in comparative oncology studies.
Thank you for your votes and participating in a great cause!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
61 Stones: Postscripts

I think it's important to have a daily reminder of the transience of life and this is mine. Every stone I remove I hope to counterbalance by a week filled with love and adventures. And when no stone is left, well, we're on borrowed time and I'll cherish every moment I have with Murphy.
The stones hold a much greater significance as well which someday you'll better understand.
Monday, August 23, 2010
61 stones
That's when you realize immortality becomes mortal... that the life of the one you love is now on a clock. It's an inflection point - the difference between the waxing and waning moon and that the sun that rose with you also sets.
But it's also the realization heaven and earth aren't that far apart. For Murphy and me it's 15 months. Tomorrow I am travelling to Platte River to collect rocks, one for each week they say Murphy has to live.
61 stones.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Murphy's Radiation Treatments Finished
Thursday, August 19, 2010

puppy up!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Cancer and Nutrition
What began this blog was a burning question I had about Murphy. What effect does the constant exposure to radiation and anesthesia have on his body & how can I offset that with his diet?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
where's god now?
"I left this place and head asea
Into the swells, ne'er alee.
No land I seek no shore no more
For me there is no galilee."
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Press Release
August 12 2010 / For Immediate Release
Phone: 901.674.9621. E-mail: 2dogs2000miles@gmail.com
The walk, known as 2 Dogs 2,000 Miles (http://www.2dogs2000miles.org/) was inspired by Robinson’s loss of his dog, Malcolm, to metastatic bone cancer in 2006. Sharing Malcolm’s story and educating people about the link between cancer in dogs and humans was the primary purpose of the walk and now that it’s over, their mission isn’t.
“It’s kind of a cruel irony,” Robinson says. “Murphy, who’s nine, walked across the country so he’s in excellent shape for his age and he’s been on the best diet available to dogs. It just goes to show, cancer doesn’t always discriminate and that’s why it’s the greatest epidemic facing dogs ever. What started as a walk for me is now a war.”
Dr. Stephen Withrow, professor at CSU and founder of their Clinical Oncology Program agrees, “We have been proudly watching Luke’s journey with his two dogs, Murphy and Hudson, from afar for almost two years. Little did we know that Murphy would become a patient.”
Murphy’s prognosis is promising according to Dr. Susan LaRue, radiation oncologist at CSU. “We hope with Murphy’s treatment we can exceed the median survival for this tumor which is currently 12 to 15 months.”
Luke Robinson has higher hopes. “Murphy’s a fighter and as Winston Churchill once said, ‘In a fight always bet on the one who’s smiling.’”
And Murphy smiles.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Halfway Through Murphy's Radiation Treatments
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Don't know how to entitle this blog
"At this point, our organization is going to have to drop support of your cause - all we asked for was transparency and in return our comments are not being published and it makes the whole thing look shady."
So what is it you want me to be transparent about?
About Murphy's cancer? Well as much as I wish I'm faking his diagnosis you're more than welcome to contact CSU & find out if he's a patient. Not sure if they'll disclose much more than that but I did post a 3D rendering of the tumor in his head and also a photo of blood seeping out of his nose after a radiation treatment. Or maybe you think I photoshoped those?
Reporting of donations? I made a decision to setup a Paypal account only and not use ChipIn or Click and Pledge because I thought that would be sufficient and save time and money. Whether that was the right decision is irrelevant because the transparency you seem so intent on, they cannot provide.
While ChipIn can report the exact amount of donations, What it won't tell you is how I use that money. For all you know I could be spending it on hookers and heroin... or the pony I always wanted as a child. Season tickets to the Patriots wouldn't be bad either.
Or the money could be going towards the care of Murphy.
The only thing 'shady' here is people like you who feel they can make accusations and try to impugn one's character without repercussions because you do so behind the veil of anonymity. You could've posted these criticisms on my Facebook page where I have thousands of supporters but that'd mean you'd have to reveal yourself and your organization. What you would've found there is lots of folks who asked and wanted to donate.
You didn't because you're a coward and you lack the courage of your convictions. If'n when you ever have the stones to accuse me to my face - my cell is 901.674.9621. Or we're at CSU every weekday at 7:50AM for the next three weeks.
Or you can contact Ginger Morgan. Though if I was you, I'd give it a week because when I shared your comments with her, her words were, "You broke the last bit of elastic in her big girl panties and now you're going to see some ass". Her words not mine & I'm not sure I really understand what that means but it scares me... It should scare you, too.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Pete: Requiescat in Pace et in Amore

Monday, August 2, 2010
Donations for Murphy

In lieu of using ChipIn (which requires a Paypal account) I'll try to post donations daily so that everyone knows where we're at.
Donations received as of August 3rd: $1,400
Total Donations as of August 4th from 65 people: $2,250
Please Click on the 'Donate' button nearby
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Murphy's tumor
Official Diagnosis: Adenocarcinoma
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Radiation Therapy Starts Today
Dr. La Rue will be the radiation oncologist caring for him. The tumor sits atop his hard palate so the biggest concerns from radiation are mouth ulcerations and the outside chance that it'll burn a hole in his sinus.
After reading extensively and consulting with thought leaders this seems the best course of action. Thank you to everyone who sent us alternative ideas and treatments.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Murphy Has Cancer
I choose not to ask because the answer is as unknowing as it is extraneous. What I felt when I awakened this morning was truly blessed. God's love for us is so great that he held the cancer at bay until after our mission was completed . He got us from Austin to Boston safely fulfilling his promise.
From what the vets said yesterday, nasal cancer can come in several varieties so we're awaiting the results of the biopsy. While I am still digesting all of the information and articles that were provided to me it seems the 'gold standard' of care is radiation therapy over a three week period. The prognosis of nasal cancer especially caught this early is promising even though the tumor has invaded part of Murphy's bone.
I want to thank the staff at Colorado State University Vet School for taking good care of Mr. Murphy yesterday, especially Drs. Woorley and Venable and Jennifer who's a fourth year student.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
'Way Leads Unto Way'
A little historical context first. After reading an article that pathogenic infections are more and more likely suspects in causing some cancers in humans I talked with several physicians about it. HPV is thought to cause the majority of cervical tumors and it seems now that lung cancer is not caused by the tar and nicotine from smoking but the repeated respiratory infections from diminished lung capacity.
I think there's something there. Since Boston I've been meditating on what's next - now that the walk is over the work begins - and the correlation between pathogens and cancer has always been one of the possibilities.
The road from Austin to Boston to Colorado is more than about the book now. As Robert Frost said in his poem, 'Way leads unto way'. I was lead to Lily's Haven for a reason.