Do you have a dog who has passed away from cancer or one who is currently fighting the disease? Please enter him or her into our yearly "Cancer Can’t Keep A Good Dog Down" Calendar Contest!
Well, we’re collecting submission for the 2011 calendar starting April 1 through August 7.
For the last two years, 2 Dogs 2000 Miles has produced a beautiful calendar we call our “Cancer Can’t Keep A Good Dog Down” Calendar. We gather photos and stories from you, publish them online for everyone to see and read, and then the voting begins. Each vote is $1.00 and voting lasts for several weeks. The top 13 winners get to be featured in the calendar. BUT, the best part is that all dogs' photos entered into the contest are printed in the calendar in our photo gallery. So all puppers' beautiful faces can be enjoyed and shared all year long.
Last year’s proceeds went to three veterinary comparative oncology programs (Texas A&M University, Colorado State University, and Tufts University) and to 2dogs2000miles.org. The year before we contributed to the Morris Animal Foundation. The proceeds from the 2011 calendar will again be distributed to worthy programs and our own 501c3 organization, 2 Million Dogs.
It’s really easy to participate.
What to send:
1 digital photo per dog: Please make sure the photo is at least a minimum of 500kb resolution. 1 meg resolution is ideal. We will not be able to accept any photos under 500kb resolutions as these do not duplicate well on the final calendar.
The following file formats are acceptable: .jpg and .gif. Please do NOT send them in a PDF or Microsoft .doc or .docx file as we cannot use these.
A 1 paragraph “story” about your dog: Tell us something special about your dog. Story length must be limited to 1000 characters or less. That’s 1000 characters not 1000 words. Characters include things like punctuation, spaces, and all those funny little symbols. Remember, every keystroke is considered a character.
A 1 paragraph “story” about your dog: Tell us something special about your dog. Story length must be limited to 1000 characters or less. That’s 1000 characters not 1000 words. Characters include things like punctuation, spaces, and all those funny little symbols. Remember, every keystroke is considered a character.
(Want to know how many characters your paragraph has? Look here for a great character counter.)
Please don’t forget to include the name of your dog, your name, and your email. When I receive your entry I will send you an email letting you know it was received. If it needs corrections (story too long, photo too small) I will tell you. It will be up to you to edit the paragraph and/or find another photo.
If you have more than one dog you’d like to enter into the contest, please do so! Same rules apply.
Just to clarify, only dogs who have or have had cancer are eligible.
Send your submission(s) to: sturmie1@gmail.com
Please note -- The deadline has changed. You now have until Saturday, August 7 to send us your entries!
If you have any questions, please email: sturmie1@gmail.com.
With your help, we'll make this the best calendar yet!
puppy up!
puppy up!
1 comment:
Wednesday, 07/28/10 @ 2:00 PM
Hello! I hope that this e-mail finds you well and above all cool. Oh, this has been an awfully hot summer. Both our Winter and Summer have been extreme and they wonder
about our planet and global warming. Anyhow, I have a problem, dilemna and do not know what to do and hope you can help me solve this situation.
Below is a paragraph which ia about 997 characters. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to write as I know that my best friend will not be with me for very long. I would have liked to accompany my Westie. Mac Duff's picture for the contest. Read on you you will understand and I truly hope that you enjoy it. As I said, it was one of the most difficult things I have ever written and I cried doing the draft, and the actual typing of the paragraph and then again proof-reading it. And it does not stop there, every time I reread it I cry or share it with someone. I tried to share it with my Mom the other day, but had to stop reading it and had her read it for herself. I am so emotional about my best friend and our situation. Well, here it is:
Mac Duff is a 9 year old West Highland White Terrier. In 11/09 he was diagnosed with inoperable nasal cancer. In order to insure him the best quality of life possible, it was decided that he'd receive palliative radiation treatments at the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary Hospital under the care of Dr. Duda and all her staff including Stephanie Corsi. He finished his treatments in 02/10. I've no idea how long "My Angel With Fur" has, but consider each day a blessing. I'm disabled and have been so ill and undergoing my own treatments, hospitalizations and surgeries for about 10 years. The only reason I'm still alive is because of Duff. We've both been compared as being similar in our desire to live and not give up. I feel it is true because where there's life there's hope. The picture is of him playing with his favorite toy--his purple ball. I think it's his favorite toy in part because we play with it together. Mac Duff has and will always be the best companion one could ever desire.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to admit it to the calendar as that is a mailing address you need to have some special computer link with, which I do not have. I can look up and even Google the calendar and all the other articles, but just can not send them anything, and I even stopped by where I got my lap top and was advised not to download the other mailing methods as it would cause me problems with my new lap top. (I know this can be true as a week after I got this laptop, I tried to download something for Adobe and it completely froze my computer and it cost me $75 to have it fixed and he said to me over and over "Do not download--do not down load!" So, I am naturally afraid to mess up this thing again, as I am what I like to call "technologically challenged."
Thanks anyhow for the information. I am going to continue to look up things now and then before the deadline. Maybe I will find a way around it and still get to get my little guy included in the contest.Take care, God bless and peace. Thanks for maybe being able to try to help me or maybe direct me to where to go and/or what to do. I hope that you have a great day and God bless America and our troops!
Chuck Christy and Mac Duff
Me: chuck53@comcast.net
MacDuff: macd1@comcast.net
Phone: (856) 374-3292
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