Tuesday, June 11, 2013

THE ROCK: Chapter 9 The Fabulous Fuzzybutts

I am absolutely unafraid of anything.  That's what got me and my boys cross country safely.  But don't confuse that with courage.

Suffering is such a selfish thing and I couldn't see my way through it after I lost Malcolm to cancer.

Murphy was all fucked up about losing Malcolm and maybe even worried about losing me and I remember waking myself up one morning, "Luke, Luke, Murphy needs a brother."  I was yelling inside my head.

And the very next day Hudson came into our lives.

He was encaged in a hog wire containment system that stunted his growth I can only suppose.  I saved him but not his sister.


After losing Malcolm I was done with dogs and this story should've ended here.  With all the powers in the universe I wanted it to end here.

But Murphy needed a brother.

Hudson was a lil feller and I named him as an homage to the woman who brought Malcolm into my life.  Lindsey had moved to New York so the name choice was clear and simple.

Willful, undiscouraged, and absolutely unafraid, Hudson is his father's son which if you take a look at the pic, I think you'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hudson was so cute as a puppy! You had no choice but to take him in. And he and Murphy made a great pair.