Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dear Malcolm

The second of three promises I made to you the day you were given rest is almost fulfilled. Five weeks and 70 miles from Boston. So much to say to you in the days til then...

You'd be proud of your brother Murphy. As you know, he was a real Whackadoodle when he came into our lives. Remember when he was rescued & first brought home, he'd run round the living room peeing cursive in the carpet... still don't know whether it was my name or yours he was trying to spell out.

Remember when I'd take the two of you shopping for new toys - one for each of you - and when we got home you'd steal his away just to let him know what's up. It drove him absolutely bonkers...

Remember your last day with us Murphy broke down the pet door to get to you to say his goodbyes... You told him like you told me it was time for rest.

Well he's all growed up now and I see so much of you in him. Like you, Murphy just doesn't know quit... he'll be nine years old in a couple of weeks, longer than you lived but he carries on your legacy proudly.

I'll talk to you soon...


eric said...

Oh heck. I did NOT need to cry while sitting with a ttal stranger at the cafe in City Hal!!!

dot said... of the most poignant posts I've ever read. *sniffle*

wilton said...

We were with you when the pack started your journey in Austin; we've followed you three the whole way. We watched The Today Show and teared up like you. We're walking for Murf too. God Bless you we'll be with you in Boston. Wilton and Carolyn and Amber, Coupland, TX

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful and elegant. As you near your end of the walk, it brings memories back to me of my boy Marley. Sending our love and support to your pack.

Gay L. Balliet said...

"peeing cursive"--perfect image, funny image amid a poignant note.

Anonymous said...

Luke, your love for Malcolm is apparent in your words from the heart. The memories of him are fresh in your mind and your promises being fulfilled. So glad for you that you are so close to the finish. Only a special person like yourself with so much heart, determination, and drive could have seen this journey through. Also must give some credit to the two fuzzy butts!! I know that they kept you going many of the difficult days. Your stay with us in the Cinci area was a delight for us and we are truly blessed to have met you and to have been a small part of the journey!! Your Malcolm is proud, for sure.
Love, Patty Gartmann

Unknown said...

You got to know that Malcolm has been looking over you, Hudson, and Murphy all the way. And he'll always live in your heart.

Lonna said...

Our dogs always keep their promises to us, but we very seldom keep our promises to them. You are to be commended, Luke!!!!

MyFuZZyButtZ said...

Every step of the way, day and night, your BoyZ have been right there with you - ALL 3 of them, by your side. Malcolm is in your soul and in our hearts.

Bless you Luke, for your passion and your compassion, to do something to make a difference for All Sizes and Kinds of FuZZyButtZ, All Over The World!

Lovin' PurrZ! ((♥))

Anonymous said...

Luke....those sentiments are a true testament to how your journey began, and the precise reason your cause has had my support since the very beginning. Warmest Regards, MaryLou (Elwood's Mom)

Jill said...

Luke, Hudson and Murphy, I commend all what you are doing! Malcolm must be so proud of all of you. I can picture him looking at you and the FuzzyButts with his huge Great Pyr smile! How GRAND!
See you in Boston!

Anonymous said...

Luke, Giz and I were so happy and honored to meet you and the boy's in Dublin, Ohio. We admire your devotion, love and loyalty to each other and to Malcolm. We wish you all a continued safe journey, God Bless the 3 of you and your Angel "M". Way to go guy's!!!
Giz and mom Kathy