Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Independence Day Everyone

Unexpectedly I spent the fourth of July weekend in Winnfield Louisiana at the Allen Family Reunion (my mother's side). Had planned on helping Mimi's Rescue out on Saturday but as fate would have it, a series of events occurred that enabled me to take the time off and be with family. And boy am I glad I did.

On Friday, a small contingent of us travelled to Mitcham Peach Farm, a lovely seventy-five acre ranch a few clicks north of Ruston LA. They had finished picking for the day and were closing down but we arrived just in time to purchase a few cartons for cobbler and sample their homemade peaches and cream

Your Big Dog awoke early Saturday to make his famous 'Uncle Luke's Chunky Guacamole' for the occasion. It's a special recipe he's been perfecting for years and thus far, he's converted over a dozen of anti-guacamolians into true believers... it's just that good. And BTW, YBD hopes to do for canine cancer what he's done for guacamole!

We had over 100 friends and relatives show up at the Allen Reunion, the most important to me of course was my mother. That's her flanked on the left by my uncle Jamie and her sister, 'Just Betty',on the right. As most of you know, mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's not so long ago but she did so good at the reunion.

She remembered names and faces and it was such a special day. And afterwards, we stayed up late sharing family stories and she laughed and laughed. The following morning, as she and my father were leaving, she looked at me and told me to take care of the boys and be safe out on the road. For the first time since I left, I felt she knows what I'm doing and why. (Note to anyone who worries about us, YBD always listens to his mother).

Hoping your holiday was just as special... and don't even think about asking for my guacamole recipe :)

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