Crazy Cattle Rancher
While we were hunkered down by the particularly nasty storm system that bore down on us just a day after we launched, we had a whole host of kind and considerate people who stopped to warn us about the weather. And then came Lloyd. I mean this guy must've seen too many episodes of Walker, Texas Ranger and Judge Joe Brown. He drove up in his two ton truck, didn't even bother to get out, and almost immediately told me I was full of s***. No introductions, no niceties, just right out with it he went. I suppose he saw us on Fox News 8 in Austin and got it in his mind I was traveling from town to town taking hard earned money from the innocent.
He said it was because we hadn't made it too far in the two days since we started. Had he heard about the weather I started to ask but this guy was in no mood to listen. Nope. Going at our current rate, it would take us four years to get to Boston. He did the math. That's animal cruelty and he was calling PETA on us. I asked him if he knew the meaning of irony... a farmer with 200 head of cattle calling PETA on me. My guess is he's still scratching his head on that one.
Lloyd then said he'd have us arrested by the Manor police when we reached that town's city limits. I was about to make the wry observation that when making threats, start small then go big not the other way around but it seemed pointless and besides a storm was coming and I had preparations to make. At least he gave us something to laugh about that night ....and good material for the blog!
Riding out the Storm
That True Texas Spirit
After a tough start, it was truly a delight to have a home cooked meal and a warm bed at the Wilton's home. Carolyn is a most excellent cook (don't forget to email me your recipe for Tomato Gravy) and Wilton, a generous, big hearted man. They took me into town to resupply and replace the sleeping bag I lost somewhere on 473. They're everything I will miss about the Great State of Texas when I return to New England. Thanks again for your hospitality.
Granger Lake
Hudson and Murphy took to them instantly and we joined them for some sightseeing. One of the most curious sights was Hoxie Bridge, cranky, completely out of place, and yet reputedly haunted by the headless ghost of a murdered convict who helped build it. Hudson peed on it.
Pancho and Lefty's
From there we headed east towards a jerkwater town of fifty or so people called Hare which is unremarkable and not unlike so many in Texas except for a little dive of a bar and restaurant owned by Mike and Lynda, who graciously allowed us to pitch our tent in the back.
I'm telling ya, everyone in that place was kind and giving from the waitstaff down to the patrons. Mike, a very capable grill man, fixed a special plate for the boys and treated me to a warm dinner and sandwiches for the next day. Every Monday night a group of guitarist gather to share songs and work on chords. So I kicked back and drank a few beers to some blue grass and gospel music. Quite a splendid way to spend an evening on the road. Thanks also to Christina, Christie, Dan, Lucas, Clayton and everyone else at Pancho & Lefty's!
Life on the Road
Not every night's been quite that ideal but we're learning to weather the hard times, too. It helps to have mates like I do and I don't just mean Hudson and Murphy but all of the volunteers who are devoted to seeing this succeed. Until next time my friends... puppy up!