Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Murphy's Memorial Video

This Memorial video honoring the first anniversary of Murphy's passing I'm reposting for a few reasons.  When I first posted the link I couldn't type anything other than the link because I couldn't see through my tears.  

The director of this video, Deana Wehr, who we were destined to meet walking through Bowling Green KY, the city of the White Squirrel, did such a beautiful job of portraying my boy.  Her artistry and passion for animals are an inspiration.  Please take a moment out of your day to thank her for this video.    

I've had a lot of questions about the song choices.  

1.  I have a long, long history with Gulf Coast Highway the duet of Emmylou Harris and Willy Nelson and it was trail magic and the fulfillment of a lifelong dream of mine that our paths would cross with her one day.  And that she spent an afternoon with Murphy, it was written in the sands of time.

2. Hudson's always been the hugger and dancer that Murphy never was.  There's an Ellen DeG story in there somewhere, but on 'Dance' night at Mommy G's house shortly before he was given rest it was all about Murphy.  She played this song by Garth Brooks and as soon she and Hudson took to the dance floor Murphy cut in.  It was his night.  

I'd never heard that song before nor had Mommy G and it came for us from Michelle and Ramsey on the night I posted on facebook the question of when you go what song will you go to.  

3. Wynonna wasn't an easy choice for the final track.  Heck another country song was the last thing I wanted cause it'd be too obvious given my Texas roots.  But I sang this song to Malcolm twice - before limb amputation and on the way to his final rest.  That Murphy was my last living connection to Malcolm it couldn't have been more fitting.  

Postscript:  out of the tens of thousands of photos of Murphy it was exceedingly tough to select only 150 for the video.  Disinclusion was harder still and I apologize for those who were.  The pics are in the archives and not forgotten.  


Jan said...

I'm so sorry to hear of Murphy's passing. I watched the 3 of you on Animal Planet this morning on Dogs/Cats/Pets 101 S3/E2 and wanted to read more as I didn't know when your walk took place. Well done on what you do for cancer awareness. Over the years I've lost 3 cats to cancer. It is so devastating.

I see in your latest blog that you are planning another walk. Best wishes in this. regards Janet, Cape Town, SA

Ramsey Rambles said...

Oh Shoot why did I have to read this in public . I am sitting in McDonald's trying to compose my self right now. Luke did you every see the smile box I made to the dance? I did not even think you knew of the song. I posted it that night and have not looked at it since. Hurts to much . Woof you guys Ramz and Ma Ma