Two weeks ago Jill Rappaport, TODAY Entertainment Correspondent, did a taped interview with Luke and The Boys. You may remember Jill from her wonderful story about her dog Jack who also had bone cancer. I’m not sure how much of the taped interview will be used but Luke reports that he and The Boys will be appearing live on the show, this coming Friday! Stay tuned and watch Luke talk about some of their adventures and announce what’s coming next for the Dynamic Trio.
Check your local listings for channel and time and don’t miss The Boys! What a fantastic way to start the last leg of their journey to Boston -- and what lies ahead.
Bravo, Boys! Puppy Up!
We’ll be watching.
OMD that is TERRIFIC!!!! Yaaaaah!!!!!!
I watched the interview on the Today Show this morning. I was SO very touched. My brother Jon Lee just lost his dog this week after 13 years.
Luke, what you are doing is SO amazing & it touched my heart SO much. I sent emails out to my friends to watch on Youtube. Hudson & Murphy are gorgeous dogs. My best friend lives in Boston. Where is the final city destination? Thank you for such an amazing feat & heartfelt story...Be safe. Best, Laura lee
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